Lutheran Classical Academy Cornhole Tournament and Hog Roast Oct 12, St John’s - Port
Washington (217 N Freeman Drive). Hog roast, sides, and beverages for purchase. Fun 50/50
raffle and prizes for the top three teams! Sign up at share.scoreholio.com/C2jgfDxEpLb. If you
would like to donate, please make checks payable to St. John’s Lutheran Church
– Lutheran Classical Academy.
Changes to The Lutheran Hour® Broadcast are coming in our area. The program’s final
broadcast on WIBD 1470 AM at 7am on Sundays will be Jan 21. An alternate listening option in
the area is WTMJ 620 AM on Sundays at 6:30am. To find other local airings, visit
lhm.org/guide. The weekly broadcast of The Lutheran Hour is also available at lutheranhour.org,
as a podcast, on Sirius XM Family Talk Channel 131 at 10 a.m. Eastern each Sunday, and
platforms like Spotify, iHeartRadio, YouTube, Dial-a-Podcast, and more.
Lutheran Hour Ministries – http://www.lhm.org
Love INC. "Helping Churches Help People" - - - http://www.loveincsheboygancounty.org/
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - Sheboygan - - - http://www.goodshepherdsheboygan.com
Lutheran Cemetery: Planning your burial now relieves some of the future stress of your
loved ones having to make arrangements when the time eventually comes. Please reach out
to Jessica Biever, new Sexton office.sextonlc@gmail.com or (920) 452-6507, at the
Lutheran Cemetery for information or to schedule an appointment.